Job Fairs
Career fairs are an excellent opportunity for students and employers to engage. Employers who are hiring are invited onto campus to showcase their company and discuss employment opportunities with a focused group of job-ready students and graduates. Career Fairs are targeted events with specific themes (e.g. Summer Jobs Fair) for a variety of employers to be on campus at the same time to discuss specific employment positions with students. We currently host three job fairs each year, the Job Fair hosted in conjunction with Durham College, and the Part-Time and Summer Job Fairs.
Career Fair
The Career Fair, hosted in conjunction with Durham College, is the largest career event on campus. Employers are invited to participate in recruitment for full-time, contract, summer, part-time and co-op positions. This will provide you with an opportunity to address a larger number of students at once on topics such as but not limited
The Career Fair happens annually in the winter semester.
For more information about this event, contact
Summer Job Fair
The Summer Job Fair invites employers to host a table at the fair where you can share information about your company and recruit students for summer employment. This is expected to be a well-attended event, as many students will be looking for summer jobs and to connect with companies like yours.
The Summer Job Fair is held annually in the spring.
For more information about this event, contact
Part-Time Job Fair
The Part-Time Job Fair gives you an opportunity to share information about your organization and recruit students for part-time employment. This is expected to be a well-attended event, as many students will be looking for positions and to connect with companies like yours.
The Part-time Job Fair takes place annually in early fall.
For more information about the event, please contact
Get Experience Fair
The Career Centre hosts the Get Experience Fair annually in January to give community organizations an opportunity to recruit students for current volunteer opportunities in the Durham Region and Greater Toronto Area. Students from all of our faculties are invited and encouraged to drop by and speak with community agencies that interest them.