Campus and Community Services
Disclaimer about links:
The online services listed on this page are not meant to replace an in-person consultation with a professional mental health counsellor. The information listed on this page does not imply Student Mental Health Services (SMHS) or its staff professionally endorses all of the contents on this page. SMHS tries to keep these links updated; however, if you find a link that is no longer active, please let us know by calling us at 905.721.3392 or emailing
On-Campus Services
Campus Health Centre
Campus Security
905.721.8668 ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211
Career Centre
905.721.8668 ext. 3824
Student Engagement and Equity
905.721.8668 ext. 3837
Indigenous Education and Cultural Services
905.721.8668 ext. 6793
Student Accessibility Services
Student Learning Centre
905.721.8668 ext. 6578
Student Mental Health Services
On-campus residences
905.728.8700 ext. 8960
The outreach worker is only available to students living in on-campus residences (Simcoe Village or South Village).
Services are free and confidential. Support includes:
- One-to-one life coaching and support for students regarding issues such as relationships, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, self-esteem and more.
- Help with navigating resources on campus and in the community based on your individual needs.
Ontario Tech Student Union
MyWellness provides students access to mental health and wellness information, and supports. The information and tools available through MyWellness have been developed to assist students in increasing and/or sustaining optimal health. MyWellness includes a mental health assessment and offers useful options depending on the assessment's outcome. The service also offers video counselling, 24/7 text support, campus support, suicide prevention, crisis lines, stress reduction, and other resources for students. For more information, view MyWellness.
Student Health Plan
Clubs including cultural and ethnicity-based groups
Faculty-based societies
Legal support services
Community Services
Addictions services
Alcoholics Anonymous, Durham Region 905.728.1020
aa.oshawa@live.comPinewood Centre for Addictions and Mental HealthLakeridge Health 905.728.8195
1.888.891.8878Leave the Pack Behind, Tobacco Control Program 905.688.5550 ext. 4992
lptboffice@brocku.caYMCA Youth Gambling Awareness Program Durham: 905.903.5995
Toronto West: 416.303.9695
Toronto East: 416.627.9997Smoker's Helpline 1.877.513.5333 -
Community service organizations
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Durham 905.436.8760
1.844.436.8760Carea Community Health Centre 905.723.0036 Centre for Addiction and Mental Health 1.800.463.6273 John Howard Society of Durham Region 905.579.8482
1.800.667.4292The Salvation Army Durham 1.800.725.2769 -
Crisis and emergency shelters
Bethesda House
(Women, youth and children—with or without pets)905.623.6050
1.800.338.3397Cornerstone Community Association Durham
(Men, women and families)905.433.0264 ext. 226 The Denise House
(Women and their children)905.728.7311
1.800.263.3725DRIVEN Durham
(Women)905.432.SAFE (7233)
1.877.SAFE.905Herizon House
(Women and their children)1.866.437.4066 Joanne's House: Durham Youth Housing and Support Services
(Youth ages 16 to 24)905.239.9477 Luke's Place
(Women and their children)905.728.0978
1.866.516.3116Muslim Welfare Centre
(Women and their children)905.665.0424
1.866.666.1115YWCA Y's WISH Emergency Shelter(Women and their children) 905.576.2997
1.888.576.2997 -
Crisis hotlines and telephone support
Assaulted Women's Helpline 1.866.863.0511
SMS: #7233Distress Centre Durham Crisis Line 905.430.2522
1.800.452.0688Distress Centre Toronto 416.408.HELP (4357) Durham Mental Health Services
Crisis Access Linkage Line (C.A.L.L.)905.666.0483.
1.800.742.1890Good2Talk Post-Secondary Student Helpline 1.866.925.5454 Kids Help Phone (aged 20 years or under) 1.800.668.6868 Mood Disorders Association of Ontario Support Line 1.866.363.MOOD (6663) Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences Crisis Line 1.800.263.2679 -
Community-based counselling services
Beacon Personalized digital therapy
Catholic Family Services of Durham 905.721.3513
1.877.282.8932Durham Mental Health Services 905.666.0831
1.855.888.DMHS (3647)Family Services Durham 905.666.6240
Virtual counsellingJohn Howard Society of Durham Region 905.579.8482 Oshawa Psychological and Counselling Services 905.721.7723
1.866.568.9476Salvation Army Community and Family Services 905.723.7422 Women's Multicultural Resource and Counselling Centre of Durham 905.427.7849
1.877.454.4035 -
Food banks
Gate 3:16 905.432.5316
office@gate316.orgSalvation Army, Community and Family Services, Oshawa 905.723.7422 Simcoe Hall Settlement House 905.728.7525
info@simcoehall.comSt. Paul's Community Food Bank 905.839.9537 St. Vincent's Kitchen (Durham Outlook for the Needy) 905.434.7543 -
Gender Identity
Ontario Tech Pride Club Gender Journeys Carea Health (Durham) Gender Care Team Career guide Families in Transition (416) 924-2100 PFLAG Durham 905-231-0533
1-888-530-6777 ext 533Rainbow Health Ontario 416-324-4100 333 Sherbourne Street
Toronto ON, M5A 2S5Youthline 0800 376 633
519 Community Centre 416-392-6874 -
Legal assistance
Durham Community Legal Clinic 905.728.7321
dclcinfo@gmail.comFamily Law Information Centres (FLICs) of Ontario 905.743.2800 Legal Aid Ontario 416.979.1446
1.800.668.8258Victim-Witness Assistance Program Support Line
Ministry of Attorney General Ontario, Victim Services1.888.579.2888 -
2SLGBTQ+ resources
519 Community Centre 416-392-6874 AIDS Committee Durham Region 905-576-1445 LGBTQ Pride Line Durham 1.855.87.PRIDE (77433) LGBT Youth Line 416.962.9688
1.800.268.9688PFLAG Durham 905.231.0533 Colours Group - Carea Community Health Centre (Ajax)
(ages 13 to 20 years)905.428.1212 Trans Lifeline 1.877.330.6366 -
Resources for Black, Indigenous and People of Colour
Across Boundaries
For racialized communities416.787.3007 Black Creek Community Centre 416.249.8000 416.246.2388
Hong Fook
Serving Asian Communities416.493.4242
Hope for Wellness
Online 24/7 helpline and chat counselling services for all Indigenous peoples accross Canada1.855.242.3310
Substance Abuse Program for African Canadian and Caribbean Youth
Confidential helpline for Indigenous women1.855.554.4325
Sexual health
African and Caribbean Council on HIV/AIDS Ontario (ACCHO) 416.977.9955 AIDS Committee of Durham Region 905.576.1445
1.877.361.8750AIDS and Sexual Health Information Line 1.800.668.2437 Durham Region Sexual Health Clinics Oshawa: 905.443.8901
Pickering: 905.420.8781
Port Perry: 905.985.4891 -
Sexual violence
Durham Rape Crisis and Support Line (24 hours) 905.668.9200 Ontario Network of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Centres Sexual Assault Support Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Care Centre 905.576.8711 ext. 3286 Lakeridge Health Oshawa 1 Hospital Court, Oshawa Other GTA hospitals with sexual assault care centres:
- Scarborough Grace Hospital
- Women's College Hospital in Toronto
- York Central Hospital in Richmond Hill
Support to quit smoking
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health 416.535.8501 Campus Health Centre 905.721.3037 Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health 416.977.5580 Government of Ontario Smoker's Helpline 1.877.513.5333 -
Social/recreational activities
COPE Mental Health Services, Social Recreation Groups
Community Care Durham905.985.0150
1.855.432.6815Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Durham 905.436.8760