Online mental health resources
Information on mental health concerns
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA): Information to help further understand mental illnesses and their treatment options.
Centre for Clinical Interventions (CCI): Provides modules you can work through to help you understand and manage anxiety and depression.
Here to Help BC: Has various self-help tools in Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish, and many other languages.
Mind Your Mind: A great interactive website where you can find information about mental health.
Mood Disorders Society of Canada: Facts and tips to inform about your own or a loved one's mental illness.
More Feet on the Ground: An educational website on how to recognize, respond, and refer students experiencing mental health concerns. The Council of Ontario Universities (COU) has partnered with Brock University and the Ontario government to develop this website.
Mindsight: An interactive and informative resource about mental health developed by Dr. Wendy Stanyon (Ontario Tech University Faculty of Health Sciences).
National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI): Learn about mental health conditions as well as treatment and support options.
National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC): Provides information and resources on eating disorders, food, and weight preoccupation.
Academic and test anxiety
Test Anxiety Booklet, Anxiety BC: Consists of information to help further understand mental illness and their treatment options.
Coping with Exams and Exam Anxiety: Learn some guidelines to alleviate some of the stress and fear associated with exams.
Anxiety and Stress Management Tip Sheets, Ontario Tech Student Learning Centre.
Anxiety Disorders Association of Canada: This website covers major anxiety disorders - origin, symptoms, and treatment options.
BounceBack: BounceBack is a free skill-building website that allows individuals to manage their symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Insight Timer: Thousands of free meditations to help manage stress, reduce anxiety, improve sleep and more.
MacAnxiety Research Centre: Contains information and resources about anxiety-related disorders.
Mindbeacon: Free Cognitive Behavioural Therapy available to residents of Ontario.
Anger management
- ‘Controlling Anger Before it Controls You’, American Psychological Association: Defining anger and introduces strategies to help control anger.
Informed Choices About Depression: A resource developed by a team of researchers, professionals, and young adults to provide information on depression including the best available research.
Dealing with Depression (DWD): Interactive online module developed by the Ministry of Children & Family Development for BC - provides coping skills and information about depression for youth.
Men's Depression: A resource for supporting men who experience depression by providing tips, tools, service information, and success stories.
Students Against Depression: Offers comprehensive information on how depression can manifest itself, self-help strategies, and how to get further support.
What BETTER Feels Like, Mood Disorders Society of Canada: Gain insight into depression and what recovery looks like through interview videos of individuals who have lived experience.
Eating and body image
Body Brave: Free services for all people in Ontario who struggle with eating disorders.
Eating Disorders Foundation of Canada: A Canadian non-profit specializing in awareness, treatment, and research of eating disorders.
National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC): Provides information and resources on eating disorders, food, and weight preoccupation.
Sheena's Place: Provides a wide range of professionally facilitated support groups and services for friends and families affected by eating disorders.
Grief and loss
Bereaved Families of Ontario: An organization that offers peer support and programming for individuals experiencing grief or loss.
Books and resources by Dr. Alan Wolfelt: To help people work through grief and mourning and how to support it.
Mind Your Mind: Information about grief.
New York Magazine: Reccomended books on grief.
Mindfulness and relaxation
Books and Resources by Dr. Tara Brach: Learn about bringing mindfulness and spiritual practices to your life.
Mindful Self-Compassion: Learn how to be kinder to yourself through mindful self-compassion meditations and information.
Pallouse Mindfulness: Extensive free resources for Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction.
Student Wellness Centre, McMaster University: Includes guided mindfulness and relaxation exercises and information on the theoretical foundations of mindfulness.
Videos and Practices - The Centre for Mindfulness Studies: A charitable and social enterprise in Toronto, Ontario, The Centre for Mindfulness Studies offers mindfulness-based therapy videos and guided exercises.
Your Health Audio and Video Recordings, Simon Fraser University: Learn about and practice various mindfulness and relaxation exercises through guided audio and video recordings.
Motivational and educational videos
The following videos can be useful to learn more about different mental health topics. The content developers of these videos are not affiliated with Student Mental Health Services.
Getting stuck in the negatives - TEDx talk by Psychologist Alison Ledgerwood
How to Make Stress Your Friend by Kelly
McGonigal How Mindfulness Meditation Redefines Pain, Happiness & Satisfaction by Dr.
Kasim Al-Mashat at TEDxSFU The Price of Invulnerability by
Brené Brown at TEDxKC The Skill of Self-Confidence by Dr. Ivan Joseph at TEDxRyersonU
- Peer-created Mental Health videos
Self-assessment tools
Mental Health Meter, Canadian Mental Health Association: Can help you identify your unique strength and areas for improving your mental fitness. This is not meant to serve as a diagnostic tool – it may help identify things that need to be brought to the attention of a mental health professional.
e-Mental Health: Provides free, anonymous, and clinically-informed questionnaires to help identify mental health concerns that require help from a health professional.
Check Up from the Neck Up, Mood Disorders Association of Ontario: A simple, online, private mental health quiz that can help identify concerns that you need to seek help from a mental health professional.
- Getting a good night's sleep: An interactive module outlining some best practices for sleep behaviours.
Virtual quiet room
The Virtual Quiet Room: Select a playlist, calming video, guided meditation or article curated by Ontario Tech Mental Health Peer Mentors to help you unwind your nervous system.